Monday, October 22, 2007

Total Disk Replacement Abroad

About Total Disk Replacement
The following is provided to you by WorldMed Assist, Medical Tourism experts, and contains general information about Total Disk Replacement Abroad that may not apply to you. You should consult with your physician about your specific situation.

What is Total Disk Replacement?
This blog describes a total disk replacement as performed at WorldMed Assist, medical tourism experts, partner hospitals abroad. The differences with the treatment in the US are that for instance Total Disk Replacement in India has a much longer hospital stay included than in the US.
During disc replacement surgery, the surgeon will remove the damaged disc and replace it with an artificial disc. The goal of this and most all spine surgeries is to help to reduce your pain and restore activity.
The goal of any artificial disk is to:
· Maintain motion in the area of the spine where the disc is implanted
· Maintain stability in your spine
· Restore proper disc height between the vertebrae above and below the disc
· Re-establish proper spinal alignment / curvature of your spine in the lumbar area
· Reduce discogenic pain

Disk replacement is an alternative to spinal fusion for some patients. Your eligibility for disk replacement can only be determined by your doctor.

Total Disk Replacement Surgery
When undergoing total disk replacement surgery, you will be lying on your back and the surgeon will operate on your spine through an incision near your belly button. The surgeon will remove the diseased disc and replace it with an artificial disk.There are alternative treatments to this surgery. You should discuss these other possibilities with your surgeon before you make your decision.

Total Disk Replacement Recovery
In most cases, immediately after surgery, your heart and lung function will continue to be monitored, and your doctor will prescribe medicines to control pain and nausea. The average hospital stay for disc replacement surgery is about ten days. Before hospital discharge your doctor will discuss a program to gradually increase your activity. It is possible that you will be asked to wear a back brace or elastic bandage to support your abdominal muscles after surgery.

Life After Disk Replacement
Pain relief, the reduction of further degeneration and resumption of daily activities are typical goals of spine surgery. While both fusion surgery and artificial disc replacement can provide pain relief and stability, with spinal fusion the vertebrae surrounding the disc space are immobilized, and therefore limit flexibility in that area of the spine. Laboratory testing shows that patients who have undergone total disk replacement have more movement in the spine.
Nobody can guarantee that after disc replacement surgery you will never feel pain again or that your spine will fully regain its flexibility. If you're like the majority of spinal surgery patients, you'll experience a decrease in pain and you'll gradually be able to increase your level of activity. With your pain minimized or no longer an issue, your concentration level on task will be noticeably better.

Costs of Total Disk Replacement
Costs will vary, but one of the reasons people are interested in researching Total Disk Replacement abroad is due to the large cost savings that can be obtained. Cost in the US are in excess of $100,000, whereas the costs with our internationally accredited partner hospitals in India are approximately 10% of that.

About WorldMed Assist
Experts in medical tourism, WorldMed Assist’s mission is to improve lives by helping patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices. WorldMed Assist coordinates and simplifies every aspect of care and travel. WorldMed Assist also provides medical tourism as an option for self-insured businesses seeking expanded and affordable healthcare options for employees. Surgeries in India, Turkey and other carefully selected destinations matched with the client’s needs are significantly less expensive than in the U.S., yet delivered with the same or higher quality care and results as set by U.S. standards. Waiting times are virtually eliminated, track records are proven, and facilities are state-of-the-art. For more information, go to

Spinal Fusion

What is spinal fusion?
A spine fusion is a surgery performed to link together individual segments, or vertebrae, within the spine. The spinal column, or backbone, is made up of individual bones called vertebrae. These bones are stacked together. Between each of the vertebrae is a soft cushion called a disc. The disc spaces allow each vertebrae to bend slightly; this motion allows us to bend forward and arch backwards.
A spine fusion is a surgery that is done to link together two or more vertebrae. When there is a problem with the vertebrae (often a problem with the disc space), your doctor may recommend a spine fusion to eliminate the motion that occurs within that portion of the spine. By linking together the vertebrae, your doctor is trying to eliminate the source of your back problem. Spinal fusion may be recommended for:
· Abnormal curvature of the spine (scoliosis or kyphosis)
· Injury to the spinal vertebrae
· Protrusion of the cushioning disk between vertebrae (slipped disk, herniated nucleus pulposus)
· Weak or unstable spine caused by infections or tumors

Evaluating your suitability
Before you and your doctor agree to surgery as an option, your doctor will want to make sure that you've given nonsurgical treatments a reasonable trial. Also, your doctor may conduct a study called a diskogram, which is a special X-ray examination that involves the use of a dye. The dye, injected into a disk, serves to make it appear better on an X-ray. The injection of dye also may produce a pain similar to your ongoing back pain, which helps your doctor pinpoint that disk as the source of your pain.

Spinal fusion-the surgery
Spinal fusion surgery requires general anesthesia. The procedure may take from two to 12 hours, depending on how extensive the surgery is and the technique your surgeon uses. Surgery may involve a large incision, or may be done using newer techniques with smaller incisions.
To fuse the spine, your doctor needs small pieces of extra bone to fill the space between two vertebrae. This bone may come from your own body (autogenous bone), usually from a pelvic bone. Or, it may come from another person (allograft bone) by way of a bone bank. If the front of your spine is fused, the disk is removed first. Bone graft substitutes, such as genetically engineered proteins, are being developed as alternatives to using bones from your body or a bone bank. Sometimes, doctors also use wires, rods, screws, metal cages or plates. As with any surgery, spinal fusion carries risks, including pain at the donor site for the bone, infection and nerve injury.

Spinal fusion recovery
Expect to be in the hospital for several days after surgery. You'll also likely experience considerable pain and discomfort after surgery, but your doctor will control pain with oral and intravenous medications. It takes from several weeks to several months to heal from this surgery, depending on your age, condition and what level of activity you plan to return to. The type of healing that needs to occur after spinal fusion is comparable to recovery from a broken bone. The earliest that X-rays might reveal bone healing after spinal fusion is about six weeks.
Spinal fusion removes some spinal flexibility. This can be beneficial if movement and instability between spinal segments is what causes your pain. However, the fused spine needs to be kept in proper alignment. You'll be taught how to move, sit, stand and walk in a manner that keeps your spine properly aligned. You may be able to start a physical rehabilitation program as early as about four weeks after spinal fusion surgery.

Set realistic expectations
Beyond the immediate potential risks of spinal fusion surgery, the areas of your spine adjacent to the fusion will bear more stress. This makes those areas more likely to experience future wear and tear. Also, like any treatment for back pain, don't expect spinal fusion to eliminate your pain — just to improve it. For example, if your level of pain on a scale of 0 to 10 was a 7 before surgery, your doctor might regard a reduction to a pain level of 3 or 4 to be a successful result.

About WorldMed Assist
Experts in medical tourism, WorldMed Assist’s mission is to improve lives by helping patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices. WorldMed Assist coordinates and simplifies every aspect of care and travel. WorldMed Assist also provides medical tourism as an option for self-insured businesses seeking expanded and affordable healthcare options for employees. Surgeries in India, Turkey and other carefully selected destinations matched with the client’s needs are significantly less expensive than in the U.S., yet delivered with the same or higher quality care and results as set by U.S. standards. Waiting times are virtually eliminated, track records are proven, and facilities are state-of-the-art. For more information, go to

Angioplasty Abroad

What is Angioplasty?
Coronary angioplasty is a procedure that opens blocked arteries and allows blood to flow to your heart muscle. Angioplasty is not surgery. It opens a clogged coronary artery by inflating a tiny balloon in it. Each year more than a million people in the United States have coronary angioplasty.

Why is Angioplasty done?
The arteries that bring blood to the heart muscle (coronary arteries) can become clogged by plaque (a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances). This can slow or stop blood flow through the heart's blood vessels, leading to chest pain or a heart attack. Increasing blood flow to the heart muscle can relieve chest pain and reduce the risk of heart attack.
You may be a good candidate for an angioplasty if:
• Your blockage is small
• Your blockage can be reached by angioplasty
• The artery affected isn't the main vessel supplying blood to the left side of your heart
• You don't have heart failure

If the main artery supplying the left side of your heart is narrowed, if your heart muscle is weak or if you have small, diffusely diseased blood vessels, then coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) may be a better option. In addition, if you have diabetes and multiple blockages, your doctor may suggest coronary artery bypass surgery. The decision of angioplasty versus bypass surgery will depend on the details of your heart disease and overall medical condition.

Angioplasty preparation
Before an angioplasty, your doctor will review your medical history and perform a physical exam. You'll receive instructions on what you can or can't eat or drink before the procedure. Typically, you have to stop eating or drinking by midnight the night before.
You'll have some routine tests, including a chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) and blood tests.

How is angioplasty done?
General anesthesia isn't needed, so you're awake during the procedure.. The doctor threads a thin tube through a blood vessel in the arm or groin up to the involved site in the artery. The tube has a tiny balloon on the end. When the tube is in place, the doctor inflates the balloon to push the plaque outward against the wall of the artery. This widens the artery and restores blood flow.
Angioplasty is usually combined with implantation of a small metal coil called a stent in the clogged artery to help prop it open and decrease the chance of it narrowing again (restenosis). The stent looks like a very tiny coil of wire mesh. Stents can be coated with medication that's slowly released to help prevent arteries from re-clogging. These coated stents are called drug-eluting stents, in contrast to noncoated versions, which are called "bare-metal" stents.
The entire procedure can take 30 minutes to several hours.

Angioplasty recovery
You'll remain hospitalized from 2 to 5 days while your heart is monitored and your vital signs are checked frequently. Your doctor will likely prescribe medications (anticoagulants) to prevent blood clots, relax your arteries and protect against coronary spasms. The hospital stay in our partner hospitals abroad is much longer than what is provided in the US and gives your doctor adequate time to monitor your recovery.
You should be able to return to work or your normal routine the week after angioplasty.

What about alternatives to angioplasty?
If the main artery supplying the left side of your heart is narrowed, if your heart muscle is weak or if you have small, diffusely diseased blood vessels, then coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) may be a better option. In addition, if you have diabetes and multiple blockages, your doctor may suggest coronary artery bypass surgery. The decision of angioplasty versus bypass surgery will depend on the details of your heart disease and overall medical condition.

About WorldMed Assist
Experts in medical tourism, WorldMed Assist’s mission is to improve lives by helping patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices. WorldMed Assist coordinates and simplifies every aspect of care and travel. WorldMed Assist also provides medical tourism as an option for self-insured businesses seeking expanded and affordable healthcare options for employees. Surgeries in India, Turkey and other carefully selected destinations matched with the client’s needs are significantly less expensive than in the U.S., yet delivered with the same or higher quality care and results as set by U.S. standards. Waiting times are virtually eliminated, track records are proven, and facilities are state-of-the-art. For more information, go to

Medical Tourism- Hip Resurfacing in Belgium for New Orleans Resident through WorldMedAssist

NEW ORLEANS, LA – October 1, 2007 – WorldMed Assist (, a growing company in the expanding industry of medical tourism, gave Maurice Moreau of New Orleans a new lease on life by connecting him with a world renowned orthopedic surgeon in Belgium. Moreau was relieved when Dr. Koen de Smet told him he was an ideal candidate for hip resurfacing. “I’m an active guy, so I’d was relieved to hear I could keep most of my own joint rather than have it replaced,” he said.

As the pain in his hip worsened after an incident in 2005, he experienced constant headaches and diminished quality of life. As he began researching options, he discovered hip resurfacing as a viable option to hip replacement.

“As I looked deeper and deeper, I discovered that hip resurfacing is a procedure approved by the FDA only a year ago, so it was impossible to find a doctor in the U.S. with a substantial track record. My research ultimately led me to the concept of going overseas, and that’s when I found WorldMed Assist. I sent them an e-mail, and right away, Wouter Hoeberechts, the CEO, contacted me to get more information. We had several conversations, because I had lots of questions. I was very comfortable with him. He was always open with me, and put a lot of effort into researching and explaining my options. I sent him my x-ray and detailed medical information, which he shared with the overseas medical teams he partners with. Ultimately, he provided two experienced doctors, one in Belgium and one in India.

“My wife and I were more comfortable with going to Belgium. The cost was quoted at less than $20,000, including travel and lodging for both me and my wife. Not only was this about a third of what I was hearing in the U.S., but I could cover the cost with the law suit I won over the incident that caused the dislocation. Beyond the good news about the price, my confidence soared when I heard Dr. Koen de Smet’s track record—he had done over 2100 resurfacings. I figured I was in pretty good hands!”

Moreau and his wife left for Belgium on September 10, and two days later, his surgery was complete. “Everything was flawless. The hospital was incredible—state of the art. I felt like I was in the space shuttle. Everyone spoke three languages, and English was never a problem,” he said. “I knew before I left home that Dr. De Smet was highly skilled, but I was amazed one day to see a U.S. doctor visiting him for training! A fellow patient told me he was the best in the world, and I believe him!”

He was discharged after two days to a recuperation villa near the hospital, a facility that is run by Dr. De Smet. Therapists had him exercising in the swimming pool, taught him how to walk with proper alignment and kept him on a strict regimen of stretches and exercises. He was amazed at the hospitality. “One of my fellow patients was Belgian, and he invited us for an incredible spread at his home one night.”

When he stepped off the plane back in New Orleans, it was with no limp, and no headaches. The only pain he’s experiencing is from the stitches and the tenderness in the surrounding muscles. He’s looking forward to rejuvenating the business he runs as a phone systems installer. “I’d been in too much pain to keep the business at full throttle, which took a big toll on our family’s finances,” he said. “Now I can get back to full swing. And I want Wouter to come to New Orleans for dinner to celebrate!”

About WorldMed AssistExperts in medical tourism, WorldMed Assist’s mission is to improve lives by helping patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices. WorldMed Assist coordinates and simplifies every aspect of care and travel. WorldMed Assist also provides medical tourism as an option for self-insured businesses seeking expanded and affordable healthcare options for employees. Doctors and hospitals in India, Turkey, Belgium and Mexico are carefully selected to match each client’s specific needs. Procedures are significantly less expensive than in the U.S., yet delivered with the same or higher quality care and results as set by U.S. standards. Waiting times are virtually eliminated, track records are proven, and facilities are state-of-the-art. For more information, go to

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hip Resurfacing Surgery

About Hip Resurfacing Surgery- The following is provided to you by WorldMed Assist, Medical Tourism experts, and contains general information that may not apply to you. You should consult with your physician about your specific situation.

What is Hip Resurfacing?
Hip Resurfacing is a type of hip replacement which replaces the two surfaces of the hip joint.
The procedure is very bone conserving as the head of the femur is retained. Instead of removing the head completely, it is shaped to accept an anatomically sized metal sphere. There is no large stem to go down the central part of the femur and the surface of the acetabulum (the socket) is also replaced with a metal implant, which is press fit directly into the bone.
The resurfacing components are made of 'As Cast' cobalt chrome which is finely machined to produce a very high quality surface with a low friction finish, hence low wear. The BIRMINGHAM HIP™ Resurfacing has the largest independently verified clinical history of any resurfacing device available today.

This operation is primarily intended for use in people who are in need of a hip replacement at a younger age and therefore are likely to be more active. There are certain causes of arthritis of the hip which mean that this technique cannot be used - namely those which have resulted in extreme deformity of either the head of the femur or the acetabulum.
For people needing a replacement under the age of 55, regular consideration is given for this procedure. People aged between 55 and 65 who are very active and otherwise fit may also be suitable and this will be determined by their bone quality and activity level.
Patients who need to have hip replacements under the age of 50 - 55, assuming they have normal life span, have a very high chance that the conventional hip replacement will wear out and need to be replaced during their lifetime - hence the resurfacing procedure offers potentially significant advantages in this group.

About WorldMed AssistExperts in medical tourism, WorldMed Assist’s mission is to improve lives by helping patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices. WorldMed Assist coordinates and simplifies every aspect of care and travel. WorldMed Assist also provides medical tourism as an option for self-insured businesses seeking expanded and affordable healthcare options for employees. Surgeries in India, Turkey and other carefully selected destinations matched with the client’s needs are significantly less expensive than in the U.S., yet delivered with the same or higher quality care and results as set by U.S. standards. Waiting times are virtually eliminated, track records are proven, and facilities are state-of-the-art. For more information, go to

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Quality of doctors and hospitals

People that are interested in getting medical treatment abroad should determine the about the quality of the doctors and hospitals they are interested in. When it comes to your health, nothing is more important than quality. The question is: how do you determine the quality. This is where the services of a health care facilitator, also known as a medical tourism company, plays a very important role. The better companies out there submit their potential partners to a very rigorous selection process and weed many of them out throughout the process. A good medical tourism company should select the best of the best with the goal to serve you better. What does ‘best of the best’ really mean?

• Specific to the doctors, we look for the world’s best doctors in their fields. These doctors are typically internationally trained physicians. What we look for are physicians that have received a significant amount of training in western countries such as the US, England or Australia. Part of our agreements is that these are the doctors that will treat you, if available. Not only does this provide you with the best medical care possible, but it also improves communications and you will feel much more at home. In many countries, the care that you will receive from your doctor will be much more personal and involved than what you are used to in the US.

• First of all, the hospital abroad needs to provide you with at least the same quality of care that you would receive in the US. We determine this in many ways. First of all, we research whether the hospital is JCI accredited. The JCI accreditation is given to hospitals that meet the stringent requirements that US hospitals also need to comply with. JCI stands for Joint Commission International and is the international division of JCAHO, the organization that accredits US hospitals. By selecting JCI accredited hospitals, we know that these hospitals and their doctors are at least as good as the US doctors and hospitals. We don’t stop here, however and raise the bar much higher.

• Another criteria we use is whether our hospitals have a close affiliation with a leading US hospital. A good example of such a US hospital is Johns Hopkins. Johns Hopkins has been voted best US hospital for 16 years straight by US News and World Report. When we partner with a hospital that is affiliated with Johns Hopkins we know that Johns Hopkins goes through extensive quality assurance procedures on an ongoing basis. You directly receive the benefits of these relationships.

• State of the Art equipment. During our in person evaluations, we determine how advanced the medical equipment is in the hospitals that want to become our partner. We want our hospitals to have the latest equipment. As a result, our partner hospitals have the latest equipment such as PET-CT scanners and the best surgical components from the US. That results in a good diagnosis and ultimately a better outcome of the surgery.

• Experience dealing with international patients. Our partner hospitals are used to receiving patients from outside of their own country. The result of that is that you will be dealing with staff that is used to your specific needs such as dietary needs, will speak English and will help you wherever you need help.

A successful outcome of your surgery is what it ultimately comes down to. We do extensive research in this area as well and inquire about infection rates and success rates for specific procedures. If we decide to partner with a hospital, we are very proud to offer it to you knowing that you will receive high quality of care while at the same time saving significant amounts of money.
All of the points above are determined by doing extensive background research that takes several months. If the outcome of this research is positive, we visit the hospitals in person. We do not rely on emails and faxes when it comes to something that is this important. We visit the hospitals, meet the doctors, staff and senior management, determine whether you will feel at home, figure out all of the logistics such as transfer from the airport to the hospital, look at quality hotels and restaurants. To do this right takes time so we usually spend 2 to 3 days at each hospital that we visit.

About WorldMed Assist
Experts in medical tourism, WorldMed Assist’s mission is to improve lives by helping patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices. WorldMed Assist coordinates and simplifies every aspect of care and travel. WorldMed Assist also provides medical tourism as an option for self-insured businesses seeking expanded and affordable healthcare options for employees. Surgeries in India, Turkey and other carefully selected destinations matched with the client’s needs are significantly less expensive than in the U.S., yet delivered with the same or higher quality care and results as set by U.S. standards. Waiting times are virtually eliminated, track records are proven, and facilities are state-of-the-art. For more information, go to

Friday, August 31, 2007

Using a Medical Tourism Company

Using a Medical Tourism Company

There are hospitals that directly try to access the North American market. We believe that you will be better off using the services of a reputable medical tourism company, also known as a health care facilitator. Here’s why:

1. Hospital and doctor prequalification. When you look on the internet, you don’t know which hospital is good and which one is not. Same with the doctors. A good medical tourism company has done extensive research in selecting the best hospitals and doctors for you, thereby eliminating a lot of work, or even better, prevent you from making the wrong decision as to which hospital you trust with your wellbeing. Ask your medical tourism company if they have visited the hospitals they work with in person.

2. The power of numbers. Because a well established health care facilitator brings a lot of business to a specific hospital, they have a very strong negotiation position. Over time, they will also have developed personal relationships with many people in the hospital. You will directly see the results of that when it comes to which doctor will treat you, the room type that you will get, the amount of personal attention, etc.

3. Hassle free. If you choose a medical tourism company that is based in the US, you can talk to them in your own time zone, or close to it. They will arrange for the medical diagnosis to take place by electronically submitting your information to your doctor abroad and present you with a treatment approach developed by him. The health care facilitator can get you on the phone with the doctor to finalize some details. We will also help you obtain a passport and visa, advise you on the best travel and hotel options. You usually will be greeted at the airport.

4. Follow up. Because their ongoing relationship with the hospitals abroad, a good medical tourism company can make sure that you will get the attention that you need when it comes to after care when you are back in the US.

Overall, a reputable medical tourism company provides end to end services that start well before and finish well after you undergo the actual medical treatment. The best news is that they usually only charge a nominal fee of a couple of hundred dollars for all of the above. I believe that you will agree with us that that is a small price to pay.

About WorldMed Assist
Experts in medical tourism, WorldMed Assist’s mission is to improve lives by helping patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices. WorldMed Assist coordinates and simplifies every aspect of care and travel. WorldMed Assist also provides medical tourism as an option for self-insured businesses seeking expanded and affordable healthcare options for employees. Surgery in Belgium, India, Mexico and Turkey and other carefully selected destinations matched with the client’s needs is significantly less expensive than in the U.S., yet delivered with the same or higher quality care and results as set by U.S. standards. Waiting times are virtually eliminated, track records are proven, and facilities are state-of-the-art. For more information, go to

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Why Surgery Abroad?

Provided by WorldMed Assist, experts in Medical Tourism.
866-999-3848 X710

Why Surgery Abroad?
Medical Tourism is growing fast. For those of you not intimately familiar with the concept of medical travel, the first question to be answered when it comes to having surgery done abroad is ‘Why’? Why not just go to my regional hospital? Why fly all the way to a foreign location to have the same procedure done? The answer to this very basic question has a lot of different components:

1. The biggest reason for going abroad is the cost savings. These can be substantial, up to 90%, taking the costs of airfare and lodging into account! While a heart bypass surgery in the US often times costs more than $80,000, you can get that same procedure outside of the US for $6500. If you have no insurance or do not have adequate coverage those savings are obviously important to you. If you are looking for cosmetic surgery your insurance company will definitely not be able to help you and tremendous cost savings can be obtained for those procedures as well.

2. Access to high quality. The second biggest reason is getting access to high quality doctors with significant experience in the procedure that you need. For example, only late last year did Hip Resurfacing get approved in the US. Even now that it is available domestically, you would be hard pressed to find a doctor in the US with a lot of experience performing this surgery while outside of the US this procedure has been performed for many years and surgeons that have performed more than 2500 surgeries are available. Other examples exist where the procedure has not yet been approved in the US.

3. Finally, waiting times. This specifically applies to people from Canada where the waiting times are often multiple years. When going abroad, the surgery can usually be scheduled within two weeks. This is a significant advantage when you are in pain or are looking to significantly improve your quality of life by for example having weight loss surgery done.

With almost 50 million Americans that don’t have health insurance and a broken social health care system in Canada it is easy to see that you are not alone in pursuing this. In 2006 more than 150,000 Americans went outside of the country to obtain medical care.

About WorldMed Assist
Experts in medical tourism, WorldMed Assist’s mission is to improve lives by helping patients receive high quality medical treatment abroad at affordable prices. WorldMed Assist coordinates and simplifies every aspect of care and travel. WorldMed Assist also provides medical tourism as an option for self-insured businesses seeking expanded and affordable healthcare options for employees. Surgeries in India, Turkey and other carefully selected destinations matched with the client’s needs are significantly less expensive than in the U.S., yet delivered with the same or higher quality care and results as set by U.S. standards. Waiting times are virtually eliminated, track records are proven, and facilities are state-of-the-art. For more information, go to